Benefits for users (RUBIS)

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This page is a translated version of the page Les avantages pour le client (RUBIS) and the translation is 100% complete.
SEPAmail – 1206 Norm

This page is part of the SEPAmail Norm in the context of the #1206 version

Unless other indication, this page has been validated by the relevant instances.
Thus, it shall be taken into account by all SEPAmail actors.



Les messages

Le fonctionnement

L'aspect créancier

L'aspect juridique

For the creditor

  • business and trust relationship which is maintained with its bank
  • an electronic transmission of payment requests, leading to postal costs savings and a full integration of the invoicing process
  • the possibility, later, to propose several means of payment (credit transfer, card, direct debit)
  • a reconciliation automation (lettering)
  • a reduction of management costs
  • a minimised risk for its customers data management. The reason is that the QXBAN cannot be used directly for money transfers as it is the case for bank card numbers IBAN
  • a compatibility with the IBAN data in case it owns some
  • an option, restricted to creditors issuing invoices, to use the RUBIS enrollment service as well as an increased visibility thanks to the creditors referential
  • a storage of the initial request track in case of dispute.

For the debtor

  • business and trust relationship which is maintained with its bank
  • the systematic validation prior each payment, managed by the customer
  • the choice of means of payment and of the account to be debited, depending on its banks proposal. The bank may manage a credit transfer from an different account from the one linked to the QXBAN
  • the channels use: remote banking, ATM, mobile or directly its information system for a company
  • a 24/7 availability
  • a capability to supply automatically an electronic safe in order to store the invoice and its settlement elements
  • a simplification to get in touch with creditors, either with the RUBIS enrollment service or with directly using the bar-code format of the QXBAN (this format is called the RIS2D)
  • a security to get in touch with creditor:
    • with a protection of its bank account ID as it only spreads an alias of IBAN
    • with the need for the debtor to provide the creditor with its QXBAN identifier, either directly (SEPAmail, mobile, MMS or email) or using the RUBIS enrollment service.
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