IG Gemme Prenotification

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SEPAmail – Norme 1206

Cette page fait partie de la version 1206 de la norme.

Sauf indication contraire, elle a été validée par les instances concernées et s'impose à tous les adhérents SEPAmail.
ATTENTION ! La version 1606 de la norme est disponible, vérifiez si cette page est toujours valable.

  • These implementation rules shall be applied in accordance with ISO20022 and SEPA own implementation rules. Thus, unless explicitly specified, data contained within a field or XML structure of a SEPAmail message must comply with the constraints related to the equivalent field or XML structure in ISO20022 or SEPA messages.
  • for an explanation of the color coding used in the tables below, see this page
  • for general rules applying to all fields, see this page
  • for business rules directing these IG, see this page

<svnig revision="" date="Mon Sep 03 18:15:52 CEST 2012" repository="Gemme" last="" source="Prenot_Intro.txt" conversion="none">


This document describes the contents of the SEPAmail message used to notify a debtor of one or several payments.

The full name of this message is sepamail_message_direct.debit_Prenotification.

This message must be generated and sent by the creditor, via its bank. The reply, if any, is also done through a Gemme MandateInitiationRequest message. The actual use of this message is left to the discretion of the creditor, and depends on its relations with its debtors. It could for instance be used in such cases :

  • initial notification, after mandate acceptance, of the full (or annual) schedule for payments
  • annual schedule of payments, every year
  • advance notification for each single payment
  • acceptance or rejection of each payment by the debtor

This message is not based upon any existing ISO schema, since no such message exists in their model. Thus, it only includes a non-ISO part, described here.

Please note that this message will be separated into a request message and a report message in the next version of the SEPAmail standard, to conform to the general SEPAmail organization. </svnig>

<svnig revision="" date="Mon Sep 03 18:15:52 CEST 2012" repository="Gemme" last="" source="Prenot_Root.txt" conversion="none">

Message root


<svnig revision="" date="Mon Sep 03 18:15:53 CEST 2012" repository="Gemme" last="" source="Prenot_Root.tab" conversion="tab">

Mult Message Element SEPAmail requirement
[1..1] DirectDebitPrenotif


<svnig revision="" date="Mon Sep 03 18:15:53 CEST 2012" repository="Gemme" last="" source="Prenot_Abstract.txt" conversion="none">

Internal abstraction level

To facilitate upgrades, an abstraction level has been inserted at the root of this element. </svnig>

<svnig revision="" date="Mon Sep 03 18:15:53 CEST 2012" repository="Gemme" last="" source="Prenot_Abstract.tab" conversion="tab">

Mult Message Element SEPAmail requirement
[1..1] sepamail_message_direct_debit_prenotif_001 First version of the structure


<svnig revision="" date="Mon Sep 03 18:15:53 CEST 2012" repository="Gemme" last="" source="Prenot_Body.txt" conversion="none">

Message Body


<svnig revision="" date="Mon Sep 03 18:15:53 CEST 2012" repository="Gemme" last="" source="Prenot_Body.tab" conversion="tab">

Ref Mult Message Element SEPAmail requirement
A [1..1] ++ GrpHdr
B [1..1] ++ Notif


<svnig revision="" date="Mon Sep 03 18:15:53 CEST 2012" repository="Gemme" last="" source="Prenot_Group.txt" conversion="none">

Group Header

The group header contains information related to the message itself. </svnig>

<svnig revision="" date="Mon Sep 03 18:15:53 CEST 2012" repository="Gemme" last="" source="Prenot_Group.tab" conversion="tab">

Ref Mult Message Element SEPAmail requirement
A1 [1..1] +++ MsgId Identifier of the request, may be any string. However, when this message is used as an answer to a request, this field must be set to the same identifier as the request.
A2 [1..1] +++ CreDtTm Mandatory: Creation date and time, ISO format
A3 [0..1] +++ NbOfTxs Number of transactions described, defaults to 1
A4 [1..1] +++ Grpg Grouping. Accepted values are
*GRPD grouped
*MIXD mixed
*SNGL single


<svnig revision="" date="Mon Sep 03 18:15:53 CEST 2012" repository="Gemme" last="" source="Prenot_Notif.txt" conversion="none">


This part of the message actually describes the payments that will take place, as well as the related mandate. </svnig>

<svnig revision="" date="Mon Sep 03 18:15:53 CEST 2012" repository="Gemme" last="" source="Prenot_Notif.tab" conversion="tab">

Ref Mult Message Element SEPAmail requirement
B1 [1..1] +++ PntId Payment Identification. This is freely usable by the creditor, but it is strongly recommended that payment Ids should be unique for a given mandate.
B2 [1..1] +++ MndtId Mandate Identification. This must be the same identifier given upon mandate creation (see Gemme MandateInitiationRequest message)
B3 [1..1] +++ CtrRef Creditor Reference. Internal reference the creditor associates with the mandate, or the payment schedule described here
B4 [1..1] +++ Cdtr
B4.1 [0..1] ++++ Nm Mandatory
B4.2 [0..1] ++++ PstlAdr
B4.3 [0..1] ++++ Id
B4.3.1 {Or +++++ OrgId
B4.3.2 Or} +++++ PrvtId
B4.4 [0..1] ++++ CtryOfRes
B4.5 [0..1] ++++ CtctDtls
B5 [0..1] +++ CdtrAcct
B6 [0..1] +++ CdtrAgt
B7 [0..1] +++ UltmtCdtr
B8 [1..1] +++ Dbtr
B8.1 [0..1] ++++ Nm Mandatory
B8.2 [0..1] ++++ PstlAdr
B8.3 [0..1] ++++ Id
B8.3.1 {Or +++++ OrgId
B8.3.2 Or} +++++ PrvtId
B8.4 [0..1] ++++ CtryOfRes
B8.5 [0..1] ++++ CtctDtls
B9 [0..1] +++ DbtrAcct
B9.1 [1..1] ++++ Id
B9.1.1 {Or +++++ IBAN Mandatory
B9.1.2 Or} +++++ Other
B9.2 [0..1] ++++ Tp
B9.3 [0..1] ++++ Ccy
B9.4 [0..1] ++++ Nm
B10 [0..1] +++ DbtrAgt
B10.1 [1..1] ++++ FinInstnId
B10.1.1 [0..1] +++++ BIC Mandatory
B10.1.2 [0..1] +++++ ClrSysMmbId
B10.1.3 [0..1] +++++ Nm
B10.1.4 [0..1] +++++ PstlAdr
B10.1.5 [0..1] +++++ Other
B11 [1..1] +++ Trans
B11.1 [1..n] ++++ Trs As many such elements as indicated in the NbOfTxs element.
B11.1.1 [1..1] +++++ TrsDate ISO format
B11.1.2 [1..1] +++++ TrsAmt Mandatory. Usage rule: Currency attribute must be set to "EUR".
B11.1.3 [0..1] +++++ TrsId Mandatory to allow matching between request and reply
B11.1.4 [0..1] +++++ Accepted Mandatory in the reply message
